Woman is a cinematic journey comprised of archival film footage that celebrates bold and wild femininity by portraying dozens of heroines from over 200 films directed by Israeli women from 1969 to present day. The various characters unite into one archetypal protagonist who claims herself and her sexuality as she oscillates between pleasure and vulnerability, passion and alienation. Who is this woman? How have dozens of female directors imagined and portrayed her in Israeli cinema over the years? This experimental retrospective created by director Israela Shaer Meodad is accompanied by a voice-over that is both inspired by and made up of actual monologues and dialogues from hundreds of films. Some of the footage is extremely rare while other parts have been reproduced especially for this film, and will debut the big screen for the very first time.
Woman is a cinematic journey comprised of archival film footage that celebrates bold and wild femininity by portraying dozens of heroines from over 200 films directed by Israeli women from 1969 to present day. The various characters unite into one archetypal protagonist who claims herself and her sexuality as she oscillates between pleasure and vulnerability, passion and alienation. Who is this woman? How have dozens of female directors imagined and portrayed her in Israeli cinema over the years? This experimental retrospective created by director Israela Shaer Meodad is accompanied by a voice-over that is both inspired by and made up of actual monologues and dialogues from...