KUYA NOY is the story of Noy, a Filipino rock legend who found himself living in the slums of Tel-Aviv, barely scraping by, father to an Israeli daughter who is about to begin her military service. During the late 70's, under martial law, Noy founded ASIN, a music band that symbolized liberalism. Now, at the age of 61 and for the first time in many years, he will pick up his old guitar and dare to dream of a new future.

Kuya Noy

Israel 2019| 52'| Documentary debu

Written & Directed by: Daniel Binsted
Created by: Daniel Binsted, Dori Pri-Or, Gili Melnitcki
Edited by: Daniel Binsted
Produced by: Efrat Cohen, Gaudeamus Productions, Tel Aviv University
Cinematography: Daniel Binsted, Klil Leon
Music: ASIN, Noy Pillora
With the support of: Yes Docu, Makor Foundation, Tel Aviv University
Language: Hebrew, English and Tagalog with English subtitles

DVD - For Home Use Only :


KUYA NOY is the story of Noy, a Filipino rock legend who found himself living in the slums of Tel-Aviv, barely scraping by, father to an Israeli daughter who is about to begin her military service. During the late 70's, under martial law, Noy founded ASIN, a music band that symbolized liberalism. Now, at the age of 61 and for the first time in many years, he will pick up his old guitar and dare to dream of a new future.


  • Haifa International Film Festival, 2019

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  • Haifa International Film Festival, 2019