During the Second World War, a considerable number of German intellectuals emigrated to Turkey at the invitation of Atatürk and went on to definitively shape teaching and instruction in Turkish universities. Turkish-born filmmaker Önsöz accompanies the descendants and students of these German exiles and sheds light on a memorable piece of history whose meaning is still felt to this day, as these renowned Germans played a substantial role in the Europeanization of Turkey. And at the same time ask what remains of their legacy given that the Turkey of today reflects a visible reversal of Atatürk’s reforms.

Haymatloz – Exile in Turkey

Doc, 75/90 min, 2016

Written and Directed by: Eren Önsöz
Produced by: Erik Winker, Martin Roelly, Andreas Brauer
Sponsored by: A HUPE Film production in co-production with Mamoko Entertainment, funded by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and BKM
Language: German and Turkish with English subtitles

DVD - For Home Use Only :


During the Second World War, a considerable number of German intellectuals emigrated to Turkey at the invitation of Atatürk and went on to definitively shape teaching and instruction in Turkish universities. Turkish-born filmmaker Önsöz accompanies the descendants and students of these German exiles and sheds light on a memorable piece of history whose meaning is still felt to this day, as these renowned Germans played a substantial role in the Europeanization of Turkey. And at the same time ask what remains of their legacy given that the Turkey of today reflects a visible reversal of Atatürk’s reforms.


  • Istanbul Doc Days Festival, Turkey, 2017
  • Sao Paulo International Film Festival, 2016

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Press & Links:


  • Istanbul Doc Days Festival, Turkey, 2017
  • Sao Paulo International Film Festival, 2016


  • Philadelphia University
  • Princeton University
  • University of Washington Libraries
  • Williams College