The Holocaust

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  1. Paying for Justice

    Paying for Justice

    Doc, 58 Min, Color, 2007

    Directed by: Guy Meroz & Orli Vilnai - Federbush
    Written by: Inbal Petel
    Produced by: Ori Dickstein – Shamayim Productions
    Language: Hebrew & English with English subtitles
    Sponsored by: Yes Doco & The New Foundation for Cinema & TV


    The problematic state of affairs surrounding Holocaust survivors in Israel today and the substandard conditions in which they live.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  2. Go in Peace, Rain!

    Go in Peace, Rain!

    Doc, 84 min, , 2007, Digibeta, Color

    Written, Directed & Produced by: Rehuven Hecker
    Sponsored by: Israel's 8 th Channel and The New Foundation for Cinema & Television
    Language: French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Ladino, Hebrew and English with English subtitles / French subtitles


    The metamorphosis of one Jewish melody, an ancient prayer. We follow its many incarnations – and finally to the dramatic point where we learn of its connection to the national anthem of the State of Israel.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  3. The Tree Of Life

    The Tree Of Life

    Doc, 76 min, DigiBETA, color, 2008

    Directed by: Hava Volterra
    Written by: David N. Donihue & Hava Volterra
    Executive Producer: Andrew Viterbi

    Los Angeles based director, Hava Volterra, tries to come to terms with her father's death by traveling to Italy, the land of his birth, to trace the roots of his family tree.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  4. Lerner's Revenge

    Lerner's Revenge

    59 Min, Digibeta, 2007, Color

    Directed & Produced by: Gilad Tocatly
    written by: Tamar Luboschinski Ketko & Gilad Tocatly
    Language: Hebrew, English and Polish with English subtitles

    Sixty years after his family's murder by Polish farmers, the grandson return to Poland to confront and uncover the truth about the horrors of the past.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  5. From Hell to Paradise

    From Hell to Paradise

    Doc, 73 Min, 2005, Digi, Color

    Written, Directed & Produced by: Michael Teutch
    Language: German with English subtitle

    The remarkable life of an extraordinary personality. Pianist Alice Sommer is 104 years old and has been an active witness to significant events of the 20th century.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  6. Hanuszka


    Doc, 65 min, 2006

    Directed & Produced by: Nurit Kedar
    Written by: Omri Levy
    Sponsered by: Yes Doco , Israel & Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
    Language: Hebrew and Polish with English subtitles

    Gifted filmmaker Nurit Kedar tells the powerful story a young Jewish girl who is taken in by the Catholic Church during World War II. The young Polish priest who gave her communion is now Pope John Paul II – and so the nun travels to the Vatican for a reunion.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  7. Salonika, City of Silence

    Salonika, City of Silence

    Doc, 52 Min, 2006, Color

    Written & Directed: Maurice Amaraggi
    Produced by: Nemo Films
    Co-Produced with: WIP Wallonie Image Production
    With the help of: The French Center of Cinema & Audiovisual in Belgium; the Foundation of the Memory of the Holocaust; The European Institute of Sephardic Jews; The Jewish Channel, The Netherlands
    Language: Greek narration with English subtitles; English narration with English subtitles; English narration with Dutch subtitles; English narration with French subtitles

    Bits of personal memory and collective reminiscence come together in this moving documentary about what was once called "the Jerusalem of the Balkans".

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  8. Who Killed Walter Benjamin

    Who Killed Walter Benjamin

    Doc, 73 min, 2005

    Directed by: David Mauas
    Written by: David Mauas & Joan Ripolles
    Produced by: David Mauas (Milagros Producciones AC) & Miquel Alvarez (Medianimacion SL)
    Co-produced by: TV Calalunya, Spain & Nik Media, The Netherlands
    Sponsored by: ICIC, Cultural Insitute of Catalonia (Spain) European Association for Jewish Culture (UK) Academy of Media Arts, Colone (Germany) IVAM, the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (Spain) Goethe Institute (Germany) Fundaci? Baruch Spinoza (Spain)

    A fascinating investigation into the evidence and mis-information surrounding the death of one of the great minds of the 20th Century.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

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